Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30, 2009

Meet MingMing and June,
four day old baby ducks.
It rocks having a sister with a petting zoo...

Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009

"Tonight, on Fox!
'Disney Transportation Superstars'!!
Typecast and unable to find work,
Lightning McQueen, The Black Pearl and Doc Brown's Flying Train
can now be found hanging around backlots,
checking soda machines for left change,
charging five buck a head for fan photos, and
selling maps to the Star's Mansions...

June 28, 2009

June 28, 2006
Not quite three months old,
napping in his Moses Basket.
Yes, the Slumber Bear was almost the same size.

June 27, 2009

I took the weekend off, so once again
I've dipped into the "Archives"...

June 27, 2008

I can't believe how he's changed in a year.

Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22, 2009

Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home...

June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day
to the best Daddy ever.
(Photo taken Father's Day Weekend 2007)

June 20

...I wasn't aware that biscuits had holes...

Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19, 2009

And sometimes
a good Italian boy
just needs a nice, hot
slice a' pie.

(The cannoli was gone before I could get the camera out again...)

June 18, 2009

What can I say?
The kid loves donuts.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 17, 2009

Bird - and branch - on a wire.

June 16, 2009

On a morning walk,
we came across a neighbor's lovely hydrangeas.
(Neat when you consider this neighbor lives one street from the beach.)

June 15, 2009

I've been awful about taking photos the past few days.

(What can I say...I'm in a funk.)

So, the next three were taken on the right days...
just last year.

World of Wonders Kid's Garden

Norfolk Botanical Gardens

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11, 2009

Today...5:18ish pm.

June 10, 2009

Another day that
I forgot to take a picture.
Today it was because I found my
(Bought it in 2005...and forgot. No early senility jokes, thanks.)
Liam and I had fun with it...as you can see.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9, 2009

AP Newswire:
Junior Archeologist
discovers ancient Roman city of
Vegrandis Brevis Moenia. **
Excavation underway.
**Yes, that's Latin...
as far as I can remember from Junior High.
No, I'm not telling you what it says.
But, it's cute.

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8, 2007

Busy day:
errands, playdate, shopping -
aaannnnnndddd, he's out.
(Still clutching his popcorn from Target...)

June 7, 2009

Lucy Cat.

The Sun-bathing Beauty.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6, 2009

June 5, 2009

On this wonderful,
red-letter day in
our family history...
Liam decided to finally
go on the potty

June 4, 2009

I must confess
I did not take ANY photos
on this day.
Because I was working on this
new header for

June 3, 2009

After torrential downpours,
this is how our
front yard

June 2, 2009

Took this with my cell phone from a different parking lot.
This sign was at a Landscaping Supply Store.
My first thought:
"So you have stone. No need to swear!"
(It's not nearly as funny now as it was then, trust me.)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009